New Microlot: Kenya Gatuya AA

Today we added a new Kenyan microlot to our range: the Gatuya AA, from the Muranga region. This coffee is taking the place of our beloved Chania Estate AA, which run out of stock.
A very sweet one, with lemon, blackcurrant and (very evident) grapefruit notes, it turns out excellent in any extraction, including filter and espresso.
A few notes from the product page:
This superb quality coffee comes from the popular Gatuya Factory wetmill in the Muranga region of Central Kenya in perfectly sealed 15kg vacuum packed bags. It is composed almost exclusively (99%) by the superior SL28 cultivar grown at about 1700masl. In the Muranga region there are mainly smallholder farms, each with 200 trees in average. They are organized in Cooperative Societies that acts as umbrella organizations for the Factories (wetmills), where the smallholders deliver their coffee cherries for processing. Gatuya is infact member of New Murarandia Farmers Co-operative Society.
The farmers are surrounded by several wetmills in the area and they are free to choose where they want to deliver their cherries as members. Due to the traditional auction system in Kenya, quality is rewarded with higher prices. The better factories will then attract more farmers by producing coffee getting the highest prices, as well as giving high payback rate to the farmers. In the cup we taste lemon and blackcurrant with a hint of grapefruit. A sweet coffee with intense, complex, and flavour profile.
This coffee is available on our web store and delivered freshly roasted to your address of choice.
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