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Finca El Lechero - San Ignacio


Peru Espresso & Moka Pot

Finca El Lechero - San Ignacio

A fully washed Yellow Caturra from Peru, with an elegant and structured profile, accompanied by a range of floral notes. It offers a sweet and jammy fruit flavor, with hints of silky honeydew melon, tangerine, and rosehip.

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.Ulises Nayra Armijos and his wife Victoria took over the farm El Lechero in 2010. The farm, known as Finca El Lechero, is located near the village of El Huabo in San Ignacio, North Peru. Spanning 2.5 hectares, Ulises' farm is meticulously organized. The coffee plantation, consisting of 80% Caturra and 20% Catuai varieties, is typically harvested with a mix of these two varieties.

Ulises, a third-generation coffee farmer, passionately cultivates coffee as a means of supporting his family. He takes great pride in his family and their work, constantly striving to enhance the quality of their coffee and expand the range of coffee varieties grown on the farm. Ulises also envisions providing his children with opportunities for education and acquiring additional land.

El Lechero's coffee is sourced through Origin Coffee Lab, an organization dedicated to connecting with micro-lot and communal producers in the regions surrounding Jaen and San Ignacio in northern Peru. These family-run farms, typically ranging from 1 to 3 hectares in size, handle the entire coffee production process on-site, including harvesting, pulping, fermentation, and drying.

In addition to coffee, the farm cultivates plantains, corn, and beans for personal consumption. The harvesting season for coffee spans from May to October, with the peak occurring around August. Approximately 30% of the family's income is derived from coffee, and they employ a maximum of 10 pickers who receive a daily wage of 25 soles plus lunch.

El Lechero boasts a small beneficio where Ulises carries out the coffee pulping and fermentation. The coffee undergoes a dry fermentation process lasting about 24 hours before being washed and rinsed. Subsequently, the beans are dried either in a parabolic dryer near his house or on the rooftop, using shade nets to ensure a controlled drying process. Under normal conditions, the drying process takes approximately 15-20 days.

In the cup: elegant and structured profile, accompanied by a range of floral notes. It offers a sweet and jammy fruit flavor, with hints of silky honeydew melon, tangerine, and rosehip.


Minimum resting period: 10 days from roast date for espresso roast.

El Huabo, San Ignazio
Finca El Lechero
1870 masl
Yellow Caturra
Processing method
Fully washed, dried in parabolic driers
Two profiles available:
For espresso & moka pot
For filter
Tasting Notes
Silky honeydew melon, tangerine, rosehip

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