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Chelbesa Dry Fermentation Washed - Gedeb


Ethiopia Filter

Chelbesa Dry Fermentation Washed - Gedeb

Ephtah Specialty Coffee's washed lot from Chelbesa Gedeb delivers vibrant notes of citrus, peach, and orange blossom with a honeyed sweetness. Sourced from a female-led operation, it showcases meticulous care and sustainable practices in every cup.

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We are excited to present the second new crop lots of the year from Ethiopia.

It is a washed lot and it comes from Ephtah Specialty Coffee, managed by Wubit Bekele.

Wubit, originally from Nekempte in Western Ethiopia, grew up in Addis Ababa and graduated from Mizan Tepi University. She pursued a career in the coffee sector, working for a major Ethiopian exporter before recognizing the industry's potential and starting her own company.

Ephtah Specialty Coffee was established to build sustainable collaborative supply chains for the benefit of customers, farmers, and their wider communities. They take a specific interest in promoting the role of women within the coffee industry, recognizing women as key drivers of social and economic progress in Ethiopia. It is well-known that women play an integral role in the coffee industry, particularly in low-paying seasonal labor. However, despite their significant contributions, few farms are owned by women, and those that are often face challenges due to limited access to resources such as inputs, finance, and training.

Ephtah is passionate about delivering exceptional coffee while also improving the lives of people in the communities where they operate, ensuring the delivery of premium green coffee beans.

Chelbesa, located in Gedeb, is a vital coffee sourcing area where Ephtah exclusively rents and manages the washing station. The washing station in Chelbesa (Kebele), Gedeb (Woreda), plays a crucial role in processing high-quality coffee. The region is predominantly Christian, with both Protestant and Orthodox followers.

The farm spans 2 hectares and it employs 17 permanent staff and 150 additional workers during the harvest season from late November to January. The farm features 150 drying beds and cultivates Heirloom coffee varieties.

 Process: Dry Fermentation Washed.

The Chelbesa Gedeb coffee lot, cultivated at an altitude of 2200 MASL, comprises a total harvest of around 38,400 kg. Only the finest cherries are selected, floated to remove defects, and pulped. The coffee undergoes dry fermentation in tanks without water, followed by a drying period of 10-15 days on raised beds. This meticulous process guarantees the highest quality. After drying and storage, the coffee is transported to Moplaco in Gerji, Addis Ababa.

In the cup: Citrus, peach, orange blossom, honey sweetness. Perfumy and long-lasting.


Minimum resting period: 5 days for filter roast, 10 for espresso roast.

Chelbesa - Gedeb
Ephtah Specialty Coffee
2200 masl
Ethiopian Heirloom
Processing method
Fully washed, dried on raised beds
Two profiles available:
For espresso & moka pot
For filter
Tasting Notes
Citrus, peach, orange blossom, honey sweetness

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