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Frinsa Collective, Lot #1, 3-day anaerobic fermentation - Weninggalih


Indonesia Filter Espresso & Moka Pot

Frinsa Collective, Lot #1, 3-day anaerobic fermentation - Weninggalih

We are very excited to offer this new lot from Java Frinsa Estate: extended anaerobic fermentation with rich notes of cocoa, lemon curd, kumquat, brown sugar, lavender.

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We are very excited to offer this new lot from Java Frinsa Estate by Wildan Mustofa, last year’s lot was one of your favourites.

Wildan's coffees are unique and different from most other Indonesian coffees. They can be challenging to roast due to the special processing but, managed well, they will taste delicious and unlike anything else.

Wildan and his wife Atieq began their first coffee initiative in Sindangkerta, Weninggalih area of West Java, in 2010. Since the beginning, Wildan has focused on quality, demanding uncompromised attention to post-harvest processing. While most Indonesian producers are wet hulling even specialty coffees, Wildan has chosen fully-washed and experimental fermentations.

Frinsa Estate is in West Java, locally called Sunda. The farm is around 110 hectares, located 1300 - 1600 masl.

Frinsa Estate owns a wet mill, a dry mill, and a well-equipped drying facility. This means they are in complete control of their product from harvest to grading, sorting and shipment. Frinsa's six main growing plots are spread out in the area, plus some coffee is bought from selected nearby growers.

This exceptional microlot is from the Weninggalih plot: sixty hectares at about 1,400 masl and is composed of Timor and Sigarar Utang varietals.

It has been fermented using extended natural fermentation. The cherries are firstly washed to remove any dirt or microbial contamination from the surface of the skin. After the cleaning, the cherries with are put into plastic barrels for the anaerobic fermentation for 3 days. The barrels are rotated in the morning and evening. The gas formed during the fermentation is released every day, and the container is closed again. The cherries are then dried on raised beds within greenhouses for two days and finally moved to a patio. The drying may last 14-20 days, depending on the rain during the drying period. Coffee fermented using this method has a complex, mild and smooth character. Expect a transparent and elegant profile with cocoa and funky notes, with a present acidity.


In the cup

It shows notes of rich cocoa-like fermentation, lemon curd, kumquat, brown sugar, lavender.

The goal of this lot was to create an anaerobic profile but cleaned up, with more brightness and transparency and make it a bit less wild with more balanced funk and with a pleasant acidity.

Ideal as filter coffee, especially as cold brew coffee. As espresso it gives a powerful cup, very good as iced coffee or iced latte. A must-try!


Minimum resting period: 12 days from roast date for espresso roast, 7 days for filter roast.


Weninggalih - West Java
Frinsa Estate
1400 masl
Timor, Sigarar Utang
Processing method
Extended anaerobic fermentation
Two profiles available:
For espresso & moka pot
For filter
Tasting Notes
Cocoa, lemon curd, kumquat, brown sugar, lavender

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